For more than twenty years, The Fire Departments of Enfield has been offering the town’s third-grade students an education in fire safety and prevention. This initiative was established by the Enfield Fire Chiefs Association. It is our priority to teach students early on about the perils of fire and how to react properly if they are ever faced with a fire in their home or elsewhere. The following information highlights our program. If you would like more information, contact Chief Jack Flanagan at the Hazardville Fire Station at 749-8344.

Third Grade Fire Prevention and Education Program:

Approximately 500 students from Enfield public and parochial schools participate at this program annually. Twenty-eight classrooms receive ten 40-minute lesson plans in the areas of:

Electrical safety
Stop, drop and roll
How to crawl in low smoke
How to utilize 911
Matches and lighters
Home hazards
Exit drills in the home
Flammable liquids
Review and assessment

The program culminates with the use of the smoke house trailer to provide students with a hands-on educational approach to fire safety and disaster preparedness.

The Fire Education and Prevention Program is a coordinated effort by the five fire districts in Enfield and is funded cooperatively at a cost of $18,000 a year. A modified version of the program is taught at all child-care centers in town. The smoke house trailer is used with these children, as well. The smoke house trailer is also available for use at community events, the Enfield Senior Center and other town programs to provide fire prevention awareness and education services.

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Hazardville Fire Department, 385 Hazard Avenue, Enfield, CT 06082 • (860) 749-8344EMERGENCY CALL 911